POX Airdrop

Our Private Foxes NFTs were minted months ago. I have explained previously the whole story about us and how our whole community was just being supportive and was never looking for anything more.

But again, as a part of the Gratitude Cycle, I would like to reward our NFT holders who kept their Private Foxes NFTs by airdropping $POX tokens before starting the claiming process.

How does the airdrop work?

Our claiming system has been calculating the fortnights passed for each Private Fox NFT since their mint date.

So If you own a Private Fox NFT, we will use its mint date and its tier to calculate how much $POX you will get airdropped.

OG Foxes

Private Foxes

Special Foxes





Reward ($POX)




How to calculate your airdrop?

I know you guys won't be able to wait until we launch our claiming system, and I know you will spend time trying to calculate how many $POX tokens your Private Foxes NFTs will get airdropped. So we have created a Twitter bot that will facilitate the calculation for you.

If you hold a Private Fox NFT or you are planning to buy one, and you want to inquire how much it would be getting, then simply tweet this:

Hi @privatefoxbot how much $POX airdrop for my #fox1155 ?

Make sure to put your Private Fox NFT ID next to the #fox hashtag.

If you hold multiple Private Foxes NFTs or you are planning to buy in bulk, and you want to inquire how much they would be getting, then simply tweet this:

Hi @privatefoxbot how much $POX airdrop for my #fox1155 #fox1166 #fox1177 #fox1188 #fox1199 #fox2200 #fox2211

Last updated