
Hello World,

I am writing this letter ("FoxDoc") to express my sincere gratitude to my community for their support. Also since our NFT project has been private since launch, this FoxDoc aims to help newcomers learn more about our community, history, and vision.

If you're here for the first time, you should know that the mint for Private Foxes NFTs was kind of a stealth mint, and Private Foxes is one of few NFT projects that hasn't been shilled or pushed by influencers or any other NFT project besides using own social media channels, and that's something I will always be proud of.

If you would like to read a short version of this, please check out our website, otherwise enjoy reading my boring letter.

Now first, let's start by talking about the OG Foxes NFTs.

FoxDoc is a living document and will be continually updated as new information is available.

Last updated